Can we date bound the Tavily API like we do for days while using topic="news"?

As in the question, I am looking to date bound the search API to return results from a particular range, and days doesn’t have that level of control over my workflow.

Would really appreciate help on this.


Thank you for reaching out! That does sound like a very useful feature. However, currently, our API does not support date-bound filtering for the topic=“news” queries. You can filter by “days,” but there’s no direct way to specify a custom date range at the moment.

We appreciate your feedback and will consider this for future updates!


+1 to this question. I am building an AI financial agent and it would be very helpful to date-bound the filtering at the API level, especially for things like sentiment analysis.

Concrete example: I have a backtester that calls the API repeatedly over a date range (e.g. Jan 2023 and March 2023). I would like to get the news sentiment between that date range only for my AI agent to do sentiment anlaysis.

This feature would be huge.

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Hey Virat, been following your work on Twitter.

One hack that I found is passing your Datetime in the search query and making the search_depth=“general”, the results were pretty promising.

search_query = f"{index_name} {date_str} India financial news"
domain_results =