I’ve seen the framework of using both tavily_search and tavily_extract, but wasn’t sure if extract provides an additional benefit if tavily_search already returns content and raw_content.
Can someone let me know if there’s a difference between the returned raw_content?
The Tavily Extract provides additional benefits over the raw content returned by Tavily Search, especially when you need more customized extractions. While Tavily Search returns raw content, Tavily Extract allows you to fine-tune the extraction process by specifying additional keywords.
For example, one of the parameters available in Tavily Extract is include_images, which, when set to True, will return a list of images extracted from the URLs in the response.
You can check out the full documentation for Tavily Extracthere.
If you are performing multiple calls to Tavily Search, it might be more efficient to extract raw content only from the most relevant URLs. Calling Tavily Search with include_raw_content will return content for all results, which can increase latency and may not always be necessary.
By separating the extraction into another step with Tavily Extract, you can focus on only the most relevant search results and potentially reduce the load on your system.